Exercise more, worry less

Sunday, December 29, 2013

From surf to snow: Evan shredding Snowbird in Utah. 

You've been waiting all year for this season; snowboarding season. If you're anything like me, I take the whole year admiring snowboarding pictures, day dreaming of shredding the slopes, and scoping out/buying new gear for the upcoming season. But the one thing (the most important thing) I always forget to prepare for when it comes to snowboarding is my body. Sure I'm going to look cute while shralping pow and making turns in my new gear but what good is it when I'm injured? Remember, you spend 8 months out of the year off the snow then suddenly just jump back into the sport for the remainder. That definitely takes a toll on your body. So it's important to make body conditioning and strengthening the number 1 priority on the off seasons (just like any other professional sport).

Athletic drills improve coordination & form, prevent injury, & increase stability & power. Here's a few simple exercises that have major impacts. Best of all, you can do them practically anywhere and involve no equipment whatsoever. So no excuses allowed.

Now say bye bye to burning thighs, aching feet, and super sore shoulders and chests. And say hello to longer, more fun snowboarding sessions.

Exercise more, worry less.

Jog or run easy for 15-20 minutes

Lower Body

 To carve down slopes, you need to have strong legs. Strengthen your thighs & legs.

Speed racer: Anthony catching some major speed while carving through all the fresh powder.
Invisible chair

  1. Lean against a solid wall 
  2. Lower your body down, acting like you are sitting on an invisible chair. 
Hold this position for 1-5 minutes.


  1. Stand up stright with your feet flat on the ground. 
  2. Lower yourself into a squat, hold for 5-10 seconds
  3. Slowly stand back up.
Do 8-10 squats every day

Lunges strengthen the quadriceps & hamstrings. Improves proprioception & balance.

  1. Stand with feet together & your hands on your waist.
  2. Step forward 2-3 ft, then lower your rear leg to create two 90-degree angles (one with the rear leg & one with the front leg).
  3. With the majority of your weight on your front leg, stand up and bring your feet back to the starting position.
  4. Step forward with the opposite leg and repeat the exercise.

Start with 6-7 lunges on each leg. Work up to 10.

Key tips for lunges:
  • Make sure the shin of the rear leg stays parallel to the ground, and keep your back leg off the ground.
  • Don't let the knee extend past your foot -- this will cause strain on the patella.

Driving Skips
Skipping improves biomechanics, power & heel-to-toe transitions
  1. Begin by skipping easily, the way you did as a child, for 20-25 meters.
  2. Drive through the toe to explode higher into the air.
  3. Swing your arms upward to help build momentum
Skip 50 meters. Repeat drill 2x.

Key tips for driving skips:
  • Exaggerate the arm swing to give you more power as you drive.
  • Face forward to center your hips & keep your posture in line.

This drill increases flexibility & strengthens the glutes & hamstrings.

Equipment: Find a stable chair or platform

  1. Stand with one foot flat on the platform in front of you & your other leg on the floor. The knee of your lead leg should be at a 90-degree angle when your foot is on the platform.
  2. Push through your elevated leg. Pull your body & opposite leg onto the platform.
  3. Step down & return to the starting position.
  4. Switch legs & repeat exercise.
Do 8-10 reps on each leg.

Key tips for step-ups:
  • After you step down from the box, make sure both legs are on the ground. Reset your feet & check your position before repeating the move.


You need strong stomach muscles to get from a sitting to standing position when you snowboard. Strengthen your stomach muscles.

Anything boys can do, the girls can do better: Erika, Ally & me caught in a blizzard while cruising back country.

  • Lay on the floor on your back. Keep your head & arms on the ground, straighten your legs, & raise them 5-10 inches off the ground. This will strengthen your abs while decreasing your waistline. Hold this position for 10-20 seconds
  • Lay face down resting on the forearms, palms flat on the floor. Push off the floor, raising up onto toes and resting on the elbows. Keep your back flat in a straight line from head to heels. Tilt your pelvis and contract your abdominals to prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air or sagging in the middle. Hold for 1 minute, lower and repeat for 3-5 reps.
Side Planks
  • Lift your body off the ground with one arm and relaxing your other arm on your hip. Hold this position for 1 minute with your back straight. Switch sides and repeat.

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Instagram: @ambah_rose